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apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-flags (토론) (번역) | Tags the ban with (autoblock, anononly, etc.). |
apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-id (토론) (번역) | 블록의 ID를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-range (토론) (번역) | 차단에 영향을 받는 IP 주소 대역을 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-reason (토론) (번역) | 차단 이유를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (토론) (번역) | 차단된 시점의 타임스탬프를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-user (토론) (번역) | 차단된 사용자의 사용자 이름을 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+blocks-paramvalue-prop-userid (토론) (번역) | 차단된 사용자의 사용자 ID를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+categories-description (토론) (번역) | List all categories the pages belong to. |
apihelp-query+categories-example-generator (토론) (번역) | Get information about all categories used in the page <kbd>Albert Einstein</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categories-example-simple (토론) (번역) | Get a list of categories the page <kbd>Albert Einstein</kbd> belongs to. |
apihelp-query+categories-param-categories (토론) (번역) | Only list these categories. Useful for checking whether a certain page is in a certain category. |
apihelp-query+categories-param-dir (토론) (번역) | The direction in which to list. |
apihelp-query+categories-param-limit (토론) (번역) | 반환할 분류의 갯수입니다. |
apihelp-query+categories-param-prop (토론) (번역) | Which additional properties to get for each category: |
apihelp-query+categories-param-show (토론) (번역) | Which kind of categories to show. |
apihelp-query+categories-paramvalue-prop-sortkey (토론) (번역) | Adds the sortkey (hexadecimal string) and sortkey prefix (human-readable part) for the category. |
apihelp-query+categories-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (토론) (번역) | Adds timestamp of when the category was added. |
apihelp-query+categoryinfo-description (토론) (번역) | Returns information about the given categories. |
apihelp-query+categoryinfo-example-simple (토론) (번역) | Get information about <kbd>Category:Foo</kbd> and <kbd>Category:Bar</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-description (토론) (번역) | List all pages in a given category. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-example-generator (토론) (번역) | Get page info about first 10 pages in <kbd>Category:Physics</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-example-simple (토론) (번역) | Get first 10 pages in <kbd>Category:Physics</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-dir (토론) (번역) | In which direction to sort. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-end (토론) (번역) | Timestamp to end listing at. Can only be used with <kbd>$1sort=timestamp</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-endhexsortkey (토론) (번역) | Sortkey to end listing at, as returned by <kbd>$1prop=sortkey</kbd>. Can only be used with <kbd>$1sort=sortkey</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-endsortkey (토론) (번역) | $1endhexsortkey를 대신 사용해 주십시오. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-endsortkeyprefix (토론) (번역) | Sortkey prefix to end listing <strong>before</strong> (not <strong>at</strong>; if this value occurs it will not be included!). Can only be used with $1sort=sortkey. Overrides $1endhexsortkey. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-limit (토론) (번역) | 반환할 문서의 최대 수입니다. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-namespace (토론) (번역) | Only include pages in these namespaces. Note that <kbd>$1type=subcat</kbd> or <kbd>$1type=file</kbd> may be used instead of <kbd>$1namespace=14</kbd> or <kbd>6</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-pageid (토론) (번역) | Page ID of the category to enumerate. Cannot be used together with <var>$1title</var>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-prop (토론) (번역) | Which pieces of information to include: |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-sort (토론) (번역) | Property to sort by. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-start (토론) (번역) | Timestamp to start listing from. Can only be used with <kbd>$1sort=timestamp</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-starthexsortkey (토론) (번역) | Sortkey to start listing from, as returned by <kbd>$1prop=sortkey</kbd>. Can only be used with <kbd>$1sort=sortkey</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-startsortkey (토론) (번역) | $1starthexsortkey를 대신 사용해 주십시오. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-startsortkeyprefix (토론) (번역) | Sortkey prefix to start listing from. Can only be used with <kbd>$1sort=sortkey</kbd>. Overrides <var>$1starthexsortkey</var>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-title (토론) (번역) | Which category to enumerate (required). Must include the <kbd>{{ns:category}}:</kbd> prefix. Cannot be used together with <var>$1pageid</var>. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-type (토론) (번역) | Which type of category members to include. Ignored when <kbd>$1sort=timestamp</kbd> is set. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-paramvalue-prop-ids (토론) (번역) | 페이지 ID를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-paramvalue-prop-sortkey (토론) (번역) | Adds the sortkey used for sorting in the category (hexadecimal string). |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-paramvalue-prop-sortkeyprefix (토론) (번역) | Adds the sortkey prefix used for sorting in the category (human-readable part of the sortkey). |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (토론) (번역) | 문서가 포함된 시기의 타임스탬프를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-paramvalue-prop-title (토론) (번역) | 문서의 제목과 이름공간 ID를 추가합니다. |
apihelp-query+categorymembers-paramvalue-prop-type (토론) (번역) | Adds the type that the page has been categorised as (<samp>page</samp>, <samp>subcat</samp> or <samp>file</samp>). |
apihelp-query+contributors-description (토론) (번역) | Get the list of logged-in contributors and the count of anonymous contributors to a page. |
apihelp-query+contributors-example-simple (토론) (번역) | Show contributors to the page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+contributors-param-excludegroup (토론) (번역) | Exclude users in the given groups. Does not include implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed. |
apihelp-query+contributors-param-excluderights (토론) (번역) | Exclude users having the given rights. Does not include rights granted by implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed. |
apihelp-query+contributors-param-group (토론) (번역) | Only include users in the given groups. Does not include implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed. |
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