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apihelp-query+linkshere-description (토론) (번역) Find all pages that link to the given pages.
apihelp-query+linkshere-example-generator (토론) (번역) Get information about pages linking to the [[Main Page]].
apihelp-query+linkshere-example-simple (토론) (번역) Get a list of pages linking to the [[Main Page]].
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-limit (토론) (번역) 반환할 항목 수.
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-namespace (토론) (번역) 이 이름공간의 문서만 포함합니다.
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-prop (토론) (번역) Which properties to get:
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-show (토론) (번역) 이 기준을 충족하는 항목만 표시합니다: ;redirect:넘겨주기만 표시합니다. ;!redirect:넘겨주기가 아닌 항목만 표시합니다.
apihelp-query+linkshere-paramvalue-prop-pageid (토론) (번역) 각 문서의 페이지 ID.
apihelp-query+linkshere-paramvalue-prop-redirect (토론) (번역) Flag if the page is a redirect.
apihelp-query+linkshere-paramvalue-prop-title (토론) (번역) 각 문서의 제목.
apihelp-query+logevents-description (토론) (번역) Get events from logs.
apihelp-query+logevents-example-simple (토론) (번역) List recent log events.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-action (토론) (번역) Filter log actions to only this action. Overrides <var>$1type</var>. In the list of possible values, values with the asterisk wildcard such as <kbd>action/*</kbd> can have different strings after the slash (/).
apihelp-query+logevents-param-end (토론) (번역) The timestamp to end enumerating.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-limit (토론) (번역) How many total event entries to return.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-namespace (토론) (번역) Filter entries to those in the given namespace.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-prefix (토론) (번역) Filter entries that start with this prefix.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-prop (토론) (번역) Which properties to get:
apihelp-query+logevents-param-start (토론) (번역) The timestamp to start enumerating from.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-tag (토론) (번역) Only list event entries tagged with this tag.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-title (토론) (번역) Filter entries to those related to a page.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-type (토론) (번역) Filter log entries to only this type.
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